We provide effective, evidence-based interventions that are individualized for each patient in order to effectively restore and sustain your optimal level of health.

Chiropractic care can be beneficial for people of all ages!

It improves joint mobility and function through the use of gentle adjustment to the area of concern.

Chiropractic care can help decrease neck and back pain, headaches, whiplash, sciatic nerve pain, TMJ issues, and nerve impingement syndrome, just to name a few!

     Align 716 Chiropractic treatments Adjustment

Throughout pregnancy, a mother’s posture compensates for the shift in her center of gravity. Many times, this shift causes an increase in low back and pubic pain. Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment designed to reestablish normal physiological function.

Some benefits of chiropractic care throughout pregnancy are:

  • Decreased pain,
  • Decreased labor time,
  • Increased energy, and
  • Supports a comfortable birth for mom and baby.

Align 716 Chiropractic treatments during pregnancy

Chiropractic care is important in infants since most neurological development occurs within the first year of life. Common ailments infants and children struggle with that respond well to chiropractic adjustments are ear infections, difficulty breastfeeding, colic, digestive issues, and reflux.

The pressure used to adjust an infant is more gentle than checking the ripeness of an avocado!

Align 716 Chiropractic treatments for infants

Soft tissue therapy reduces tensile and compressive forces on your body and muscles, which can speed up the healing process. Many times, trigger points, or muscular adhesions/knots, create pain that travels to other areas of your body.

At Align 716, we utilize RockBlades which are stainless steel instruments that help reach a deeper level that cannot be accomplished with the hands or elbows. Soft tissue therapy can decrease pain and increase healing of many types of disorders such as muscle sprains, plantar fasciitis, epicondylitis, tendinopathy, shin splints, and scar tissue.

Align 716 Chiropractic treatments soft tissue therapy with Rockerblade

RockTape relieves swelling by microscopically lifting away your skin to allow an increase of nutrients to the area, an increase in blood flow, and increased awareness of your body position. RockTape does not prevent injuries, but rather help your performance by maintaining proper form through sport or everyday activities.

Align 716 Chiropractic treatments kinesiology taping

Nutritional deficiencies can contribute to a multitude of chronic health conditions. After an initial assessment, we work with you to help achieve your nutritional goals and overall healthy lifestyle. Together, we find healthier options for your favorite unhealthy foods. Whole food supplementation will be utilized when nutritional intake is not sufficient.

Align 716 Chiropractic treatments Nutrition counseling

Let’s Get You To Total Wellness